What is PosterBurner? PosterBurner is a service that turns your images into beautiful prints. The image link generated will be active for two weeks before it is deleted. If you would ilke a copy of the image sent to you, enter your email after the file conversion is complete. If conversion volume is heavy, it may take a minute or longer. How Long Does it Take to Convert an Image? Most image conversions take 20-30 seconds. We decided to make it a free online image converter tool so that our customers and future customers have an easy self service tool to change file formats. Why Does PosterBurner Have a Free Image Converter? Our customers asked us to change image formats for them, so we made a tool to easily convert between file formats. And if you'd like to improve your converted file, you can checkout our free tool to improve image quality. We do have an image size limit of 20MB or smaller. For example, if you want to convert a pdf into a jpg image, you can upload your pdf file, select jpg as the "to file type" and submit. What Is PosterBurner Image Convert? PosterBurner image convert is a free tool that lets you easily convert an image from one format to another.